Part I. The foundations of sociology. The sociological perspective ; Sociological investigation Part II. The foundations of society. Culture ; Society ; Socialization ; Social interaction in everyday life ; Groups and organizations ; Sexuality and society ; Deviance Part III. Social inequality. Social stratification ; Social class in the United States ; Global stratification ; Gender stratification ; Race and ethnicity ; Aging and the elderly Part IV. Social institutions. The economy and work ; Politics and government ; Families ; Religion ; Education ; Health and medicine Part V. Social change. Population, urbanization, and environment ; Collective behavior and social movements ; Social change : traditional, modern, and postmodern societies
This textbook provides a survey of sociology. As the scientific study of society, sociology is a social science which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity. It focuses on the influence of our relationships around us and how they affect our behaviors and attitudes. The author approaches this subject with a desire to help students find and use sociology in everyday life