Norton, Peter,

Peter Norton's introduction to computers. / Peter Norton - 6th ed. - Boston : McGraw-Hill Technology Education, c2006. - xxviii, 656 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm.

Peter Norton's Intro to Computers 6/e
Chapter 1: Introducing Computer Systems
Chapter 2: Presenting the InternetSample Chapter
Computing Keynotes #1: Creating Your Own Web Page
Chapter 3: Interacting with Your Computer
Chapter 4: Seeing, Hearing, and Printing Data
Computing Keynotes #2: Buying Your First Computer
Chapter 5: Processing Data
Chapter 6: Storing Data
Chapter 7: Using Operating Systems
Chapter 8: Working with Application Software
Chapter 9: Networks
Chapter 10: Working in the Online World
Computing Keynotes #3: Professional Certification Programs
Chapter 11: Database Management
Chapter 12: Development of Information Systems
Chapter 13: Software Programming and Development
Chapter 14: Protecting Your Privacy, Your Computer, and Your Data
Computing Keynotes#4: Viruses
Appendix A: The History of Microcomputers
Appendix B: Answers to Self-Checks

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