Reappraisal and deaccessioning in archives and special collections / edited by Laura Uglean Jackson. - xii, 194 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Good intentions : distinguishing deaccessioning from weeding / by Marcella Huggard -- Developing a set of principles for deaccessioning in the archives / by Sue Luftschein and Steve Hanson -- Deaccessioning in hybrid archives and museum collections at the University of Florida / by John Nemmers, Matthew Armstrong, Elizabeth Bouton, Kristin Conwill, and Lourdes Santamarķa-wheeler -- Clear policies, full transparency, can't lose : reappraisal and deaccessioning at UCLA University Archives / by Katharine Lawrie -- Burns like prairie fire : improving access to university records through reappraisal / by Cliff Hight -- Improving access to Ontario's documentary heritage : deaccessioning at the Archives Of Ontario / by Emily Chicorli, Aaron Hope, and Sean Smith -- Implementing a reappraisal workflow at the State Archives of North Carolina / by Carie Chesarino and Kelly Policelli -- Big, bad, and boring : the comptroller's collection at the NYC Municipal Archives / by Todd Gilbert and Rachel Greer -- Reappraisal and deaccessioning : applying "a dangerous practice" in New Zealand / by Elizabeth Charlton -- A gentleman's agreement : donor-driven deaccessioning and ethics of collecting / by Adriana Cuervo -- "Your cooperation has been splendid in this matter" : returning a selected portion of a living donor's personal papers / by Ruth Bryan -- So happy apart : stewarding a collection to its ideal institution / by Vin Novara -- The deaccession and transfer of the KOVR-TV news film collection / by Dylan Mcdonald and Julie Thomas.

"A mix of case studies and perspectives on deaccessioning, the book addresses important issues vital to deaccessioning including ethical concerns, donor relations, appraisal questions, and disposition options"--

Undergraduate scholars and Professional archivists

9781538116005 (cloth : alk. paper) Tzs 101,000/= 9781538116012 (pbk. : alk. paper)


Discarding of manuscripts, etc.
Appraisal of archival materials.
Archives--Collection management.
Discarding of books, periodicals, etc.

CD973.A77 / R43 2019

025.2814 REA / 1