Lipschutz, Seymour.

Schaum's outline of theory and problems of finite mathematics / Seymour Lipschutz. - adapted for SI units by George G. Hall. - New York : McGraw-Hill Book Co., c1966. - 339 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. - Schaum's outline series .

Spine title: Finite mathematics.

Includes index.

Propositions and truth tables; algebra of propositions; conditional statements; arguments; logical implication; set theory; product sets; relations; functions; vectors; matrices; linear equations; determinants of order two and three; the binomial coefficients and theorem; permutations; ordered samples; combinations; ordered partitions; tree diagrams; probability; conditional probability; independence; independent trials; random variables; Markov chains; inequalities; points, lines and hyperplanes; convex sets and linear inequalities; linear programming; theory of games.

This text covers finite mathematics. It contains numerous solved problems to aid comprehension.




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