Aczel Amir D.

Complete business statistics / Amir D. Aczel, Jayavel Sounderpandian - 6th ed. - Boston : McGraw-Hill, c2006. - xxvii, 820 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. - The McGraw-Hill/Irwin series Operations and decision sciences .

Includes index.

Amir Aczel and Jayavel Sounderpandian, Complete Business Statistics 6/e Table of Contents0. Working with Templates1. Introduction and Descriptive Statistics2. Probability3 Random Variables4. The Normal Distribution5. Sampling and Sampling Distributions6. Confidence Intervals7. Hypothesis Testing8. The Comparison of Two Populations9 Analysis of Variance10. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation11. Multiple Regression and Correlation12. Time Series, Forecasting, and Index Numbers13. Quality Control and Improvement14. Nonparametric Methods and Chi-Square Test15. Bayesian Statistics and Decision AnalysisAppendicesA: ReferencesB: Answers to Most Odd-Numbered ProblemsC: Statistical TablesOn the CD16. Sampling Methods17. Multivariate Analysis

Offering diverse, real-world problems drawn from a variety of international sources, including finance, marketing, government, sports, retail, and real estate, this book aims to challenge students to develop a realistic sense of how statistics can be applied in business situations.


9780070620162 TZS 16,651.244

Commercial statistics

519.2 ACZ