Changing roles of the government and markets in Tanzania : implementation, impacts and problems of a liberalized agricultural marketing system : proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society of Tanzania (AGREST) held at SADC Forestry Training Centre, Arusha 4-6 August 1999 / Agricultural Economics Society of Tanzania, Ntengua S. Y. Mdoe, Aida C. Isinika, Florens Martin Turuka - Dar es salaam : Agricultural Economics Society of Tanzania, 2000. - iv, 195 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - AGREST conference series .

Opening speech / Daniel Ole Njoolay
Opening remarks / M.E. Mlambiti
Welcoming address / Elias Mshiu Patron
Changing roles of the government and markets in Tanzania : implementation, impacts and problems of a liberalised agricultural marketing system / G.C. Ashimogo and E.R. Mbiha
The role of government and market in food security / O.A. Ntikha
Analysis of maize marketing constraints in Ludewa District : a principal component analysis / F.T.M. Kilima, A.K. Kashuliza and G.C. Ashimogo
Impact on smallholder cashewnut production under economic liberalisation : a case study of Kibaha District / A. Kilango, A.C. Isinika, and F.T.M. Kilima
Raising the participation of smallholder farmers and other low income earners in capital markets in Tanzania / F. Kamuzora. Maize marketing : a smallholder farmers dilemma / H. James and E.A. Lazaro
Economic analysis of cotton marketing practice after trade liberalization in Kahama District / N.D.K. Kakwemeire and E.R. Mbiha
Investigation of milk market mechanisms in greater Dar-es-Salaam and Mwanza : results of participatory rural appraisal / N.S.Y. Mdoe [and others]
Impact of economic reforms on improved seed marketing in Tanzania / J.P. Hella and M.E. Mlambiti
Macro-economic policy incentives and disincentives for biodiversity conservation : the case of structural adjustment and deforestation in Tanzania / F. Shechambo

Most of the contributed papers addressed the issues of marketing of agricultural products and reform policies. One paper was on the role of government and markets in food security. Two papers were on maize marketing and another two papers addressed issues of traditional cash crop marketing. Improved seed marketing, dairy marketing, capital markets, structural adjustment and deforestation had one paper each



Agricultural productivity--Tanzania
Agriculture economic aspects
Agriculture and state
Economic policy

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