Coombs, Hugh

Management accounting : principles and applications / Hugh M Coombs; David Hobbs; D E Jenkins - SAGE South Asia Edition - London : SAGE, 2005. - xii, 374p.: ill.; 25cm

Includes references and index.

1. introduction to management accounting --
2. Cost analysis and decision making --
3. Costing products and services --
4. Management accounting and the planning process-1 --
5. Management accounting and the planning process-2 --
6. Management accounting and the control process-1 --
7. Management accounting and the control process-2 --
8. Operational decision making --
9. Strategic decision making --
10. Management accountancy and performance management systems.

9788178298566 Tzs 15,000/=

Managerial accounting| BUSINESS & ECONOMICS -- Accounting -- Managerial| Managerial accounting

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