Contract : cases and materials /
H.G. Beale, W.D. Bishop and M.P. Furmston.
- 5th ed.
- Oxford ; Oxford University Press , c2008.
- lix, 1269 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes index.
Contracts and contract law -- Contract, tort and restitution -- The functions of contract law -- Economic analysis of contract law -- Empirical work -- Consideration -- Intention to create legal relations -- Offer and acceptance -- Uncertainty and incompleteness -- Communication mistakes -- Express terms in oral agreements -- Contents of written contracts -- Inaccurate information and misrepresentation -- Gap-filling by interpretation -- Implied terms -- Discharge by frustration -- Expectation mistakes -- Discharge by construction -- Duties of disclosure -- Some preliminary questions -- Withholding performance and termination for default -- Damages -- Literal enforcement -- Restitutionary remedies -- Why are promises binding? -- Economic analysis of contract law -- The impact of the empirical studies -- Critical approaches to contract -- Developing the relational contract notion -- Fairness and distributive justice -- Transformation thesis -- Rescission, variation, waiver and promissory estoppel -- Adjustments in longer term contracts -- Duress -- Undue pressure and undue influence -- Unconscionable bargains -- A general principle? -- Standard-form contracts -- Exclusion clauses -- Unfair terms in consumer contracts -- Regulated contracts -- Contracts contrary to public policy -- Contracts involving the commission of a crime or a tort -- Contracts in restraint of trade -- Agency -- Privity and the benefit of a contract between others -- Subsequent assignment of the benefit of a contract -- Privity and burdens -- Assignment and the burden of a contract.
"This casebook comprises a wide selection of cases and materials which not only illustrate the law but set it in its economic and social context. The cases and relevant statutes are accompanied by detailed comments and questions, which highlight difficulties and complexities in the law and help to place it in its legal and commercial setting. The book includes many extracts discussing the policies underlying contract law, and particularly features economic analysis of how the rules of contract law may be expected to influence the behaviour of contracting parties." "Through this well-chosen selection of extracts, explanatory commentary, and some stimulating questions, students are encouraged to challenge and analyse the information closely, thus taking their understanding to a deeper level."--BOOK JACKET