Price, Terry

Mastering business law / Terry Price - Basingstoke : Macmillan, c1989. - xiii, 256 p. : ill., forms ; 22 cm. - Macmillan master series .

Previous ed. published as: Practical business law. London : Pan, 1982

includes index

Part 1 Law and the Courts in England and Wales: criminal and civil law distinguished; criminal and civil courts in England and Wales; sources of the law. Part 2 Business agreements: essential requirements in a contract. Part 3 The terms of the bargain: terms and conditions; exclusion clauses; discharge of contracts; remedies for breach of contract. Part 4 Contracts of employment: unfair dismissal and redundancy. Part 5 Consumer law: Sale of Goods Act 1979; Trade Descriptions Act 1968 and 1972; consumer credit. Part 6: contracts of insurance. Part 7 Business torts: tort of negligence, trespass, nuisance and defamation. Part 8 Safety at work: Health and Safety at Work Act 1974; civil action available to employees injured at work. Part 9 Types of buiness organization: sole trader and partnership; formation of a company. Part 10: bankruptcy and liquidation. Part 11 Business property: buying a business; patents and copyrights; ownership of a company. Part 12: cheques; agency.

A text dealing with business law which includes topics ranging from the formation of a company and types of business organization, to employment and safety at work, business torts and bankruptcy.



Business Law --England
Commercial law

344.2067 PRI