Constitutional government and democracy : (Record no. 857)

MARC details
fixed length control field 13356cam a22002171 4500
Original cataloging agency MUL
Language of cataloging eng.
Description conventions AACR
Classification number 342 FRI
Personal name Friedrich, Carl J.
Title Constitutional government and democracy :
Sub Title theory and practice in Europe and America
Statement of responsibility, etc / Carl J. Friedrich
250 ## - Edition Statement
Edition statement 4th ed.
Place of publication Boston :
Name of publisher Blaisdell Pub.,
Year of publication c1968.
Number of Pages xxiii, 728 p.
Other physical details maps.
Dimensions 23 cm.
General note First edition published in 1937 under title: Constitutional government and politics.
Bibliography, etc Includes bibliographical references and index
505 ## - Formatted Contents
Formatted contents note I. Modern government: nature and development : 1. The development of modern constitutional government in theory and practice : Modern political science and Aristotle ; The ideology of constitutionalism ; Constitutionalism and Christianity ; National unification ; Material factors of unification ; Political factors of unification ; The Roman law as a formative force ; The state ; Sovereignty ; The problem of responsibility ; Reason of state ; Developmental administration: core of the state ; Constitutionalism ; England's leadership in constitutionalism ; The spread of constitutionalism ; The living constitution ; Democratization of constitutionalism ; Socialism and constitutionalism<br/>2. The developmental core: bureaucracy : The elementary or basic aspects of bureaucracy: England ; Bureaucracy in Brandenburg-Prussia ; American colonial bureaucracy ; Functional and behavior aspects ; The differentiation of functions ; Centralization and integration ; The hierarchy ; Discipline and morale ; Qualification and training for office ; Publicity ; Objectivity and impartiality ; Precision and continuity ; Discretion versus secrecy<br/>3. Security and the military establishment : British navy and continental armies ; Size of armies and the development of arms ; The evolution of arms and science ; Government control of universities ; The provisioning of armies ; The problem of revenue ; Commissioners and the emergency power ; Civil and foreign war ; The military aspect of the Fascist rise to power ; Limitation of armaments<br/>4. Peace and diplomacy : Diplomacy and war ; The art of negotiating ; Foreign and domestic affairs ; The language of diplomacy ; The system of ambassadors ; The "social" functions of the professional diplomatist ; Technical experts abroad; The foreign service as an organized administrative service ; The international civil servant ; The balance of power ; Peace and foreign policy<br/>5. Prosperity, the police, and legislation : The organismic fallacy ; Prosperity and government expenditure ; Police or administrative action ; Early legislation ; The ordinance ; Increase in wealth and central goal ; The trade balance and tariffs ; The stimulation of trade and industry through monopolies ; Enforcement ; Stable money ; Colonial policy<br/>6. Justice and the judicial function : Rival conceptions of law ; "Artificial reason" of the law ; The views of Hooker, Locke, and Rousseau on the importance of laws ; The judicial process ; The rule of precedent and the judicial process ; Judicial organization in continental Europe ; Bench and bar and the act of settlement ; The judiciary and the rule of law in Prussia: a contrast ; Judicial restraint as the beginning of constitutional government ; Administrative law ; The Conseil d'etat ; French administrative justice and American problems<br/>II. The pattern of constitutional government : 1. The constitution as a political process : Five nonpolitical concepts defined ; The functional concept ; The development of Anglo-American government ; Restraint a question of degree ; Medieval constitutionalism ; The dilemma of Cromwell ; The constitution as the decision regarding the organization of the government ; Free speech and free assembly ; The constituent power and the right of revolution ; Locke's view restated scientifically<br/>2. The constituent power, the amending power, and revolution : Cromwell and the Puritan revolution. Napoleonic plebiscites ; Constituent and amending powers ; Constitutional change without amendment ; Flexible versus rigid constitution ; The American Federal amending process ; Conditions for formal amendment ; Holland, England, and France ; Limitations on the amending power ; Nonfundamental constitutional provisions ; Limited and unlimited revolutions ; Unlimited revolution and amending process ; Negative revolutions<br/>3. The constitution as a political force : The evolution of human rights ; Civil liberties ; Social rights and freedoms ; Constitutional reason of state ; Conflicts of principle ; Preambles ; Two basic cleavages ; Cultural disunity over: Switzerland ; Contrast between Germany and Great Britain ; Symbols and stereotypes<br/>4. The separation of powers and functions : The theory of mixed government ; Importance of institutional background ; Cromwell's instrument of government ; Locke's view ; Montesquieu's reinterpretation ; American problems ; Fusion of power in England ; The judiciary ; The French Chartre Constitutionelle of 1814 ; German constitutions ; Weakness of monarchical executive ; Sweden's unusual separation ; A modern theory of dividing powers ; Practical aspects: checks and balances ; The party as the integrator<br/>5. Federalism and the territorial division of power : Federalism in historical perspective ; Federation versus empire ; Federalism as a dynamic process ; The problem of autonomy ; Federalizing: a territorial dividing of power ; Federalism and democracy ; The common objectives of federations ; Federalism and nationalism ; The structural pattern of federal systems ; The distribution of legislative functions: a matter of expediency ; Participation of the component units in the amending process ; Federal executives ; Federalism and opposition ; The constitutional judiciary ; The former British dominions and the Commonwealth ; India ; The French community ; The union of Europe ; Admission and association ; "Co-operative" federalism ; Decentralization ; Strength and weakness of federal structures of government<br/>6. Local self-government: basis of constitutional democracy : Political philosophers on the best size of towns ; A pragmatist's approach ; Growth of local government functions ; The British tradition ; Alternative patterns: Great Britain ; France ; Switzerland ; Germany ; United States. Metropolitan problems ; Middletown and Yankee city<br/>7. The guardianship of the constitution: the issue of judicial review : Medieval precedents ; The supremacy of parliament ; The impact of federalism ; Constitutional interpretation and partisanship ; Due process ; "Manifest tenor" ; Judges and propertied interests ; Disinterestedness and representative quality ; Universality versus partisanship ; European constitutional tribunals ; Representative quality of judiciary. III. The functioning process of constitutional government : 1. The problem of representation : Late appearance of representative bodies ; Representation and responsibility ; Representation in Hobbes ; In Rousseau ; The dual nature of representation ; Responsible representative conduct ; Defining political representation ; Election and legitimacy ; Representation and legislation ; The power of the purse ; Representation and constitutionalism<br/>2. Electoral systems in theory and practice : The English system ; The proposals for proportional representation ; Bagehot's view: the functional approach ' John Stuart Mill's view: the individualist approach ; The problem of "justice" ; Gerrymandering (electoral geometry) ; The different functions of proportional systems; Practical application ; recent trends ; Assessment of past experience<br/>3. Parliaments as representative assemblies : John Stuart Mill's position ; Representation as integration ; The importance of party structure for the work of parliaments ; Procedure and parties ; Social composition and membership ; Professionalization ; Second chambers ; Federal representative assemblies ; The representativeness of representative assemblies: early studies<br/>4. Parliaments as deliberative assemblies : General problems of procedure ; Bentham's views, their influence and results ; Presiding officers: the English speaker ; The American speaker ; The chief whip ; Speech and debate ;Questions and interpellations ; Closure ; Parliamentary committees: England ; Committees in the United States ; Committees in France ; Fiscal and budgetary control in Britain ; Congressional control over expenditures ; The French finance committee ; Administrative control ; The investigatory function of representative assemblies ; Control of foreign affairs ; The problem of publicity ; A glimpse at the caucus ; The problem of consent and constraint<br/>5. Chief executives and cabinet systems : Political leadership: mystique and reality ; National emergencies and personal insecurity ; Growth of social problems and planning ; Policymaking and policy execution ; Chief executives versus cabinet ; Model cabinet government: Great Britain ; The cabinet subservient to parliament: France ; An ill-fated experiment: Germany ; The collegial council: Switzerland on-man rule: the American president ; Cabinet and presidential secretariat and the problem of informal advisors. 6. Responsible public administration : Growth of the professional administrative service ; Problems of recruitment and training ; Recent American developments and problems ; Responsibility and dismissal ; Five ways of enforcing administrative responsibility ; Disciplinary measures ; Promotional measures ; Fiscal measures ; Judicial measures ; Governmental versus personal liability ; Measures based upon an objective standard<br/>7. Political parties: outline of a general theory : Party origins and the cabinet system ; A two-party system grows out of one party ; The policy of the government as a factor in the development of parties ; Ideological and material objectives ; Material interests and integration ; Parties secure power for their leaders ; Party organization and finance ; A general theory of party? ; Parties and factions ; Some recent theories of political parties ; Parties in relation to social structure ; The over-all pattern of European parties<br/>8. Interest groups and economic councils : The deterioration of political representation in terms of the general interest ; General interest and special interests ; American lobbies ; Chambers of commerce and similar semiofficial bodies in France, Germany, and other countries ; Central banks ; Trade unions ; The Russian revolution and the trade unions, particularly in Germany ; The German national economic council ; The fascist "corporative state" ; Interest groups in the United States today<br/>IV. Tensions, breakdowns, adjustments : 1. Socialization and planning : The nature of planning ; The nature of socialization ; Bureaucratization ; Socialization and planning in Great Britain ; Socialization and planning in continental western Europe : France ; Italy ; Germany. International planning<br/>2. Propaganda and the control of communications : Propaganda ; Opinion polls and propaganda analysis ; The beginnings of the press as an instrument of opposition, particularly in England down to the end of the eighteenth century ; Toward and "independent" press: England ; France: the press as an agent of revolution ; The problems of the American law of libel: no restraint ; The political effects of a commercialized press ; The forces behind the mass press ; A comparative survey of the nature of the modern press in certain leading countries ; The English press ; The American press ; The news agencies ; Broadcasting: new medium of political influence ; The American systems of broadcasting ; Federal regulation ; Educational broadcasting ; Political television and the great debates ; Press and propaganda in wartime ; Governmental control and censorship<br/>3. Direct popular action : Rousseau's objections to elected representatives ; The Napoleonic plebiscites ; The referendum and initiative: Switzerland ; The referendum in the United States ; Direct popular action and the general problem of representation ; Plebiscites before the first world war ; Plebiscites after 1918 ; Postwar constitutional referendums in Europe. 4. Constitutional dictatorship and emergency powers : The commissioner ; The (Roman) constitutional dictatorship contrasted with the commissioner ; Martial rule ; State of siege ; Legislative emergency powers ; Executive emergency powers ; Modern constitutional limitations inadequate : The appointment of a dictator ; The determination of an emergency ; The precise time limits. The legitimate objective: the defense of the constitution itself ; Explanation of inadequacy ; The pattern of transition from constitutional to unconstitutional dictatorship ; Military government ; Experience prior to the second world war ; Military government and democratization ; Military government and the rule of law ; Military government as constitutional dictatorship<br/>5. Constitutionalism in emergent nations : Legitimacy ; Suitability of constitutional democracy ; Legitimate succession ; Military force ; The case of Puerto Rico ; Development politics ; A model sketched ; A glimpse of the future
Language note eng.
Topical Term Political science
Topical Term Constitutional history
Geographic subdivision Europa
Item type Book
Withdrawn status Lost status Damaged status Not for loan Permanent Location Current Location Date acquired Full call number Accession Number Copy number Price effective from Koha item type
        Mzumbe University Main Campus Library Mzumbe University Main Campus Library 10/25/2022 342 FRI 0014153 1 10/25/2022 Book

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