Principles of European environmental law : (Record no. 1129)
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000 -LEADER | |
fixed length control field | 10792cam a2200205 a 4500 |
ISBN | 9076871264 |
Original cataloging agency | MUL |
Language of cataloging | eng |
Description conventions | AACR |
Classification number | 344.24046 pri |
245 00 - TITLE STATEMENT | |
Title | Principles of European environmental law : |
Sub Title | proceedings of the Avosetta Group of European Environmental Lawyers / |
Statement of responsibility, etc | edited by Richard Macrory ; with Ian Havercroft and Ray Purdy. |
246 30 - Varying form of Title | |
Title proper/short title | Proceedings of the Avosetta Group of European Environmental Lawyers |
Place of publication | Groningen : |
Name of publisher | Europa Law Pub., |
Year of publication | c2004. |
Number of Pages | xii, 256 p. ; |
Dimensions | 25 cm. |
Title | The Avosetta series, |
Volume number/sequential designation | 4 |
Bibliography, etc | Includes bibliographical references and index. |
505 00 - Formatted Contents | |
Formatted contents note | CHAPTER 1 Principles into Practice 3 (8)<br/>Richard Macrory<br/>CHAPTER 2 The Legal Nature of Environmental Principles in International, EC and German Law <br/>Gerd Winter<br/>I Overview of environmental propositions called principles<br/>11 (2)<br/>II The legal nature of environmental principles<br/>13 (14)<br/>1. Principles and policies<br/>13 (2)<br/>2. Principles and rules<br/>15 (2)<br/>3. Principles and the hierarchy of norms<br/>17 (5)<br/>a) General remark<br/>17 (2)<br/>b) German law<br/>19 (1)<br/>c) EC law<br/>19 (2)<br/>d) International law<br/>21 (1)<br/>4 Judicial review of principles<br/>22 (9)<br/>a) The context of providing powers<br/>23 (2)<br/>b) The context of commanding action<br/>25 (2)<br/>III Conclusion<br/>27 (4)<br/>CHAPTER 3 The Genesis of EC Environmental Principles <br/>Ludwig Kr��mer<br/>1 The birth<br/>31 (2)<br/>1.1 The origins<br/>31 (1)<br/>1.2 Principles in action programmes<br/>32 (1)<br/>2 The integration principle<br/>33 (5)<br/>2.1 Origins<br/>33 (1)<br/>2.2 Treaty amendments<br/>34 (1)<br/>2.3 Procedures inside the Commission<br/>35 (1)<br/>2.4 Sectoral initiatives<br/>36 (1)<br/>2.5 Cardiff process; impact assessments<br/>37 (1)<br/>3 The principle of preventive action<br/>38 (1)<br/>4 The precautionary principle<br/>38 (3)<br/>4.1 Birth of the principle<br/>38 (1)<br/>4.2 Precaution and prevention<br/>39 (1)<br/>4.3 Content<br/>39 (2)<br/>5 The rectification of environmental damage at source<br/>41 (2)<br/>5.1 Origins<br/>41 (1)<br/>5.2 Application<br/>42 (1)<br/>6 The polluter pays principle<br/>43 (4)<br/>6.1 Origins<br/>43 (1)<br/>6.2 State aids<br/>44 (1)<br/>6.3 EC law<br/>45 (1)<br/>6.4 Environmental liability<br/>46 (1)<br/>7 Concluding remarks<br/>47 (4)<br/>CHAPTER 4 The Precautionary Principle before the European Courts <br/>Joanne Scott<br/>I The status of the precautionary principle according to the case law of the European courts<br/>51 (5)<br/>II The implications of the precautionary principle<br/>56 (11)<br/>III The WTO and the elaboration of the precautionary principle<br/>67 (8)<br/>CHAPTER 5 European Environmental Law Principles in Belgian Jurisprudence <br/>Luc Lavrysen<br/>1 Introduction<br/>75 (1)<br/>2 The polluter pays principle<br/>76 (5)<br/>2.1 The Court of Arbitration<br/>76 (1)<br/>2.2 The Flemish Wastewater Tax case<br/>77 (2)<br/>2.3 The Walloon Waste Tax case<br/>79 (1)<br/>2.4 The Flemish Cooling Water Tax case<br/>80 (1)<br/>3 The precautionary principle<br/>81 (5)<br/>3.1 The Aubange-messancy Transmission Line case<br/>82 (1)<br/>3.2 The Wilrijk Waste Incinerator case<br/>83 (2)<br/>3.3 The Sint-Niklaas Waste Incinerator case<br/>85 (1)<br/>4 The prevention at source principle<br/>86 (1)<br/>5 The constitutional rights on the protection of a healthy environment and of privacy - The stand still principle<br/>87 (4)<br/>5.1 The constitutional rights<br/>87 (1)<br/>5.2 The Zolder Race Circuit case<br/>88 (1)<br/>5.3 The Bierset Airport case<br/>88 (2)<br/>5.4 The Brussels National Airport Night Flights case<br/>90 (1)<br/>6 Conclusion<br/>91 (4)<br/>CHAPTER 6 Implementation and Application of Environmental Principles in Danish Law <br/>Peter Pagh<br/>95 (6)<br/>CHAPTER 7 Principles into Practice - The German Case <br/>Bernhard W. Wegener<br/>Introduction<br/>101 (2)<br/>I The precautionary principle<br/>103 (7)<br/>A. Precaution in the field of air quality protection and emission control<br/>104 (4)<br/>1 Precaution under the 'Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz'<br/>105 (1)<br/>2 The precautionary principle and the question of standing<br/>105 (2)<br/>3 Precaution and the justification of environmental protection<br/>107 (1)<br/>B. Precaution as a constitutional obligation<br/>108 (2)<br/>II The polluter pays principle<br/>110 (1)<br/>III The cooperation principle<br/>111 (4)<br/>CHAPTER 8 The Environmental Principles of the EC Treaty as a Legal Basis for judicial Decisions in the Italian Case <br/>Law Stefano Grassi<br/>1 Introductory remarks<br/>115 (8)<br/>2.1 The need for precautionary protection in the case law of the Constitutional Court<br/>116 (2)<br/>2.2 The enforcement of the precautionary principle in civil case law<br/>118 (2)<br/>2.3 The precautionary approach in administrative case law<br/>120 (1)<br/>2.4 The precautionary principle in criminal case law<br/>121 (1)<br/>2.5 The principle that preventive action should be taken in Italian case law<br/>122 (1)<br/>3 The principle that the polluter should pay in Italian case law<br/>123 (1)<br/>4 The integration principle and the division of powers in a federal state<br/>123 (1)<br/>5 The direct effects of EC environmental principles in Italian case law<br/>124 (9)<br/>Further Observations on the Application of EC Environmental Principles before Italian National Courts<br/>Massimiliano Montini<br/>127 (6)<br/>CHAPTER 9 European Environmental Principles in Dutch Case Law <br/>Liselotte Smorenburg-van Middelkoop<br/>1 Introduction<br/>133 (4)<br/>1.1 Legal principles and Dutch courts<br/>133 (1)<br/>1.2 The provenance of European environmental principles in the Netherlands<br/>134 (3)<br/>1.2.1 The polluter pays principle (het beginsel de vervuiler betaalt)<br/>134 (1)<br/>1.2.2 The precautionary principle (het voorzorgsbeginsel)<br/>135 (1)<br/>1.2.3 The rectification at source principle (het bronbeginsel)<br/>136 (1)<br/>1.2.4 The integration principle (het integratiebeginsel)<br/>136 (1)<br/>1.2.5 Codification of the principles<br/>137 (1)<br/>2 The European environmental principles in Dutch case law<br/>137 (17)<br/>2.1 The polluter pays principle<br/>137 (3)<br/>2.1.1 Is the polluter pays principle a general principle of law?<br/>138 (1)<br/>2.1.2 In the context of which issues is the polluter pays principle referred to?<br/>138 (1)<br/>2.1.3 Case law regarding the polluter pays principle in the context of Article 174(2) EC<br/>139 (1)<br/>2.1.4 Is the polluter pays principle applied ex officio?<br/>140 (1)<br/>2.2 The precautionary principle<br/>140 (10)<br/>2.2.1 A test against the precautionary principle: In the context of legislation, policy or autonomously?<br/>142 (1)<br/>2.2.2 The precautionary principle and Article 3:2 Awb (the general duty of care) or 3:46 Awb (the justification principle)<br/>143 (1)<br/>2.2.3 Administrative case law regarding the precautionary principle and the Wadden Sea<br/>144 (3)<br/>2.2.4 Case law regarding the precautionary principle in the context of Article 174(2) EC<br/>147 (1)<br/>2.2.5 Case law regarding the precautionary principle in the context of Articles 28-30 EC<br/>147 (1)<br/>2.2.6 Civil courts and the precautionary principle<br/>148 (1)<br/>2.2.7 The precautionary principle applied ex officio?<br/>149 (1)<br/>2.3 Rectification at source (het bronbeginsel)<br/>150 (3)<br/>2.3.1 Case law regarding the rectification at source principle in the context of Article 174(2) EC<br/>151 (1)<br/>2.3.2 Case law on the proximity and self-sufficiency principle within the scope of Regulation 259/93<br/>152 (1)<br/>2.3.3 The rectification at source principle applied ex officio?<br/>153 (1)<br/>2.4 The integration principle<br/>153 (1)<br/>2.4.1 Article 21 of the Constitution, does it contain the integration principle?<br/>154 (1)<br/>3 Similar principles that have emerged in the Netherlands<br/>154 (3)<br/>3.1 The 'alara' ("as low as reasonably achievable") principle<br/>154 (1)<br/>3.2 The stand still principle<br/>155 (1)<br/>3.3 The substitution principle<br/>156 (1)<br/>4 Conclusions<br/>157 (4)<br/>CHAPTER 10 The Application and Interpretation of the Core Environmental Principles by the Portuguese Courts <br/>Alexandra Arag��o<br/>1 Introduction<br/>161 (1)<br/>2 Legal context<br/>161 (3)<br/>3 The Portuguese cases<br/>164 (11)<br/>3.1 Illegal activities and the prevention principle: Comital Mining case and Azem��is Dairy case<br/>165 (2)<br/>3.2 Locally unwanted land uses and the prevention principle: Estarreja Incinerator case and Maia Petrol Pump case<br/>167 (1)<br/>3.3 The polluter pays principle: Minderica Dyers and Coruche Stork Nests case<br/>168 (1)<br/>3.4 The polluter-pays and prevention principles: first P��voa de Lanhoso landfill case<br/>169 (1)<br/>3.5 The principles of precaution and prevention: Second P��voa de Lanhoso Landfill case<br/>170 (2)<br/>3.6 The principles of prevention and polluter-pays: Cerveira Scrap-ground case<br/>172 (1)<br/>3.7 The principles of prevention and integration: Nisa Swallow Nests case and New Bridge case<br/>173 (2)<br/>4 Final remarks on the national application of the principles<br/>175 (1)<br/>4.1 The precaution principle<br/>175 (1)<br/>4.2 The polluter pays principle<br/>176 (1)<br/>4.3 The integration principle<br/>176 (1)<br/>5 Conclusion<br/>176 (5)<br/>CHAPTER 11 The Application of the Core K Environmental Principles by Spanish Courts <br/>Angel-Manuel Moreno<br/>1 Methodological remarks<br/>181 (1)<br/>2 EC environmental principles applied in jurisdictional 'environmental' adjudication.<br/>182 (9)<br/>2.1 The polluters pays principle (el que contamina, paga)<br/>183 (5)<br/>2.2 The principle of prevention/precaution (principio de cautela y acci��n preventiva)<br/>188 (3)<br/>2.3 Rectification at source, producer or extended responsibility, regional variations, scientific base, and the integration principle.<br/>191 (1)<br/>3 Environmental principles enshrined in Spanish legislation<br/>191 (1)<br/>4 Conclusions<br/>191 (4)<br/>CHAPTER 12 Environmental Principles in the United Kingdom <br/>Richard Macrory and Ian Havercroft<br/>1 Principles in UK legislation<br/>195 (2)<br/>2 Environmental principles in UK legislation and policy<br/>197 (1)<br/>3 Environmental principles in policy documents<br/>198 (2)<br/>4 Significant case law involving environmental principles<br/>200 (12)<br/>4.1 Polluter pays principle<br/>200 (4)<br/>4.2 The precautionary principle<br/>204 (5)<br/>4.3 Prevention at source<br/>209 (1)<br/>4.4 Producer or extended responsibility<br/>209 (3)<br/>5 Conclusions<br/>212 (3)<br/>CHAPTER 13 Environmental Principles - Experiences of Transition Countries <br/>Gyula B��ndi<br/>215 (10)<br/>CHAPTER 14 Environmental Principles, Modem and Post-modem Law <br/>Nicolas de Sadeleer<br/>1 Introduction<br/>225 (1)<br/>2 Modern law<br/>225 (2)<br/>3 Post modern law<br/>227 (4)<br/>3.1 Dispersion of the law makers<br/>228 (1)<br/>3.2 Fragmentation of law<br/>228 (1)<br/>3.3 Acceleration of time<br/>229 (1)<br/>3.4 Decline of State authority<br/>230 (1)<br/>3.5 Increasing dependence of the law on extra-legal spheres<br/>230 (1)<br/>3.6 The undermining of the premises of modern law<br/>231 (1)<br/>4 Environmental principles represent the interface between modern law and post modern law<br/>231 (4)<br/>4.1 Enabling function<br/>232 (1)<br/>4.2 Directing function<br/>233 (1)<br/>4.3 Interpretrative function<br/>234 (1)<br/>4.4 Weighing the conflicting interests<br/>235 (1)<br/>5 Conclusions<br/>235 (3)<br/>Table of Cases 238 (12)<br/>Index 250 (4)<br/>Contributors 254 |
Topical Term | Environmental law |
Geographic subdivision | Europe |
Form subdivision | Congresses. |
Topical Term | Environmental protection |
Personal name | Macrory, Richard. |
Item type | Book |
Withdrawn status | Lost status | Damaged status | Not for loan | Permanent Location | Current Location | Date acquired | Full call number | Accession Number | Copy number | Price effective from | Koha item type |
Mzumbe University Main Campus Library | Mzumbe University Main Campus Library | 10/26/2022 | 344.24046 PRI | 0056709 | 1 | 10/26/2022 | Book |