The code of civil procedure : Act V of 1908

Paul, Solil

The code of civil procedure : Act V of 1908 / Solil Paul, and Anupam Srivastava - 16th ed. - New Delhi : Butterworths, c2002. - 4 Vol. ( cxliii, 4395 p.) ( vol. 1 is missing) ill.; 24 cm.

Vols. 3-4 have subtitle: Including commentary on Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1999 (46 of 1999) & Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act 2002 (22 of 2002)
Vol. 4 has general editors, Sujata Manohar, Atul Setalvad
Vols. 2-4 have imprint: LexisNexis-Butterwoths

Includes index.

9788187162667 ( set) TZS 200,000/= ( set price)

Civil procedure--India
Court rules

347.956402632 MUL

Mzumbe University Library