Law and development /

Law and development / / edited by Peter Wahlgren. - Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law, Law Faculty, Stockholm University : Jure Law Books, distr., Stockholm, Stockholm, 2015. - 474 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references. Includes bibliographical references.

Nordic Law and Development -- See No Evil, Hear no Evil? /Jaakko Husa -- Norms, Legitimacy and Power : Rule of Law Assistance in Authoritarian Countries / Richard Sannerholm Zajac & Lisen Bergquist -- Preventing Misuse of Development Aid : On the Fight Against Corruption / Morten Broberg -- Dis-Incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility / Mauro Zamboni -- Economic and Legal Discourses on Legal Transplants : Lost in Translation? / Antonina Barkardjieva Engelbrekt -- The ILO Conventions on Minimum Age : the Case of Ethiopia / Marianne Dahlén & Birgitta Rubenson -- The "Dark Side" of International Criminal Law : The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia / Mikael Baaz -- Land, Development and the Irrationality of International Law / Pål Wrange -- Weak Property Rights and Unequal Distribution of Wealth as Obstacles for Development : An Institutional Analysis on Russian Transition / Soili Nysten-Haarala -- Freedom of Expression and Opinion in the People's Republic of China and the Internet / Per Sevastik -- The Condition of Conditionality -- Closing in on 20 Years of Conditionality Clauses in ACP-EU Relations / Andreas Moberg -- Processes of International and Constitutional Socialization : Misconceptions and Overestimations -- the Case of Russia / Anna Jonsson Cornell -- A Conceptual Puzzle and its Consequences : Institutional Twinning Equals Technical Assistance? / Lovorka Jonic Kapnias -- The Rule of Law in Times of Financial Crises : How EU Rule of Law Correlates with the Market / Erik O. Wennerström & Åsa Valter -- Pre-active Anti-Terrorism Legislation : The Case of Denmark / Jørn Vestergaard -- Bridges and Developers -- Monistic Tendencies in the Icelandic Maritime Zones Act / Bjarni Már Magnússon -- Towards a Theory of Law and Societal Development / Håkan Hydén.

"The notion 'Law and Development' demarcates a research field closely associated with international efforts to promote economic and social improvements in developing countries, as well as in transition and post-conflict societies, through the means of law and legal development assistance. In a broader sense, Law and Development encompasses theoretical enquiries into the role of law for societal transformation, including studies on legal transplants, law reform and legal change. The Nordic countries have been at the forefront of legal development cooperation, both through national agencies like SIDA, NORAD and DANIDA, and through active involvement in international organisations and their development programs. The ambition in this volume is to take stock of the prolific scholarship on Law and Development in the Nordic countries and to give a Scandinavian perspective on the debate in this vibrant research field."--Publisher.

9789185142743 (hbk) TZS 27,500/=

Law and economic development.
Law and sociobiology.
Law and the social sciences.
Développement économique et social.
Politique d'aide au développement.
Relations Nord-Sud.
Droit international.
Conditions de l'aide.
Justice transitionnelle.
Pays en développement.
Law and economic development.
Law and sociobiology.
Law and the social sciences.

343.07 LWA

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