Customary International Humanitarian Law Volume I : : Rules and Practices

Customary International Humanitarian Law Volume I : : Rules and Practices / edited by Jean-Marie Henckaerts [et al....] - Edinburgh : University of Cambridge, 2005. - vol. 1( liii, 621 p.) vol. 2(4411 p.) ; 25 cm.

This volume contains, for each aspect of international humanitarian law, a summary of the relevant treaty law and relevant state practice including legislation, military manuals, case-law and official statements, as well as practice of international organisations, conferences and judicial and quasi-judicial bodies. It offers a comprehensive overview of what current or past practice has been in the chosen representative countries around the world. This original and Authoritative work is published by Cambridge in association with the ICRC and will be an essential reference work for anyone involved with international humanitarian law


9780521839372 TZS 458,700/=

Humanitarian Law
Treatment of Civilians

341.67 CUS

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